Tuesday 8 April 2014

Documents necessary for reimbursement.

We have moved to:


The EU directive states that residents of the UK have the right to receive medical treatment in the EEA and Switzerland.  If you choose to be treated abroad the NHS can reimburse the cost of treatment, up to the same amount it would cost for your treatment in an NHS clinic.
You will need
 An NHS number (the reference number you receive after registering at GP surgery)
Proof of residence: for example a bank statement, lease/tenancy agreement or utility bill.
In order to be reimbursed you will also need a receipt/invoice or other proof of payment detailing you as the patient (name, personal identification number) and a letter/report from the clinician (e.g. GP/ Consultant), describing the condition / diagnosis, and confirming the medical need for the treatment.
 If this document does not specify the treatment received (i.e. marked simply as "dental care" or "medical services") you will need a report/statement or other document with more detailed information about the services received and a breakdown of costs along with a letter from the care provider (Doctor, or any other person that is authorised to sign documents in the clinic).

Documents must be in English or translated to English. We can arrange translation for you.

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